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The joint project CELLUN, consisting of six project partners and one associated partner, started on January 1st, 2022 and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action in its Lightweight Construction Technology Transfer Program. The program runs for three years and will end by December 31st, 2024.

Göppingen, February 9, 2024 – The fiber-based biopolymer materials research field of Technikum Laubholz GmbH (TLH) is working together with the project partners DITF, Elring-Klinger, Cordenka, CG Tec, Fiber Engineering, and the associated partners Porsche, FESTO and manaomea on the CELLUN research project. The aim is to develop multifunctional, sustainable, and robust cellulose-based fiber composite materials for consumer goods manufactured in Germany.


The three-year CELLUN project started on January 1st, 2022, is funded by the Lightweight Construction Technology Transfer Program of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection of the Federal Republic of Germany.


Cellulose, the most abundant biopolymer on earth at several billion tons, forms the basis for promising composite materials. Conventional, petrochemical-based fiber-reinforced plastics are to be replaced by renewable regional raw materials and sustainable recycling.


The outstanding properties of the composite materials, consisting of cellulose reinforcing fibers and a matrix based on modified cellulose, make them interesting not only for the automotive industry but also for applications in architecture, design, furniture construction as well as in sports and leisure. The material impresses with an excellent strength-to-weight ratio.


The CELLUN project partners produce hybrid rovings made from cellulosic reinforcement and matrix fibers. These are either pultruded and further processed into profiles or tubes or assembled into technical textile fabrics. The results of thermoplastic prepregs (organic sheets) can be thermoformed into components on an industrial scale.


A look into the future shows that thermoplastic CELLUN composite materials have great potential for the series production of ultra-light hybrid structures, especially through further processing using the over-molding process. This enables the production of parts with complex structures and results in excellent structural rigidity with minimal weight.


The researchers are also developing a recycling concept for composite materials, including chemical recycling. The goal is to be able to mix the individual components back into the respective starting materials.


For more information click here.


About the Technikum Laubholz:

The Technikum Laubholz (TLH) is an independent, non-university research institution that was founded in spring 2020 on the initiative of the state of Baden-Württemberg under the leadership of the Ministry for Rural Areas and Consumer Protection. The task of the TLH is to accelerate the development of innovative and high-quality applications for hardwood and to occupy a leading international position in the use of hardwood-based raw materials for Baden-Württemberg.


For further information please contact:


Dr. Rolf Moors I Head of Fiber-Based Biopolymer Materials
Technikum Laubholz GmbH


Ana Carolina La Rocca I Specialist in fiber-based biopolymer materials
Technikum Laubholz GmbH


Erna Nawrath I Specialist in fiber-based biopolymer materials
Technikum Laubholz GmbH


For press inquiries please contact:
Julia Gackstetter I Head of Marketing
Technikum Laubholz GmbH

Technikum Laubholz is a new independent non-university research facility. We develop innovative and high-quality applications for hardwood. Differentiation through innovation, sustainability, individualization and a focus on maximum added value.