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Technikum Laubholz wins Baden-Württemberg Bioeconomy Innovation Award 2024

We are pleased to announce that the Technikum Laubholz has been awarded the Baden-Württemberg 2024 Bioeconomy Innovation Prize for its pioneering project for the fully automated and AI-optimized production of nanocellulose from beech wood.

Bioökonomietag des Ministeriums für Ernährung, Ländlichen Raum und Verbraucherschutz Baden-Württemberg

© Ministry of Food, Rural Areas, and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg


Our project shows how sustainable materials can be produced efficiently using state-of-the-art technology and artificial intelligence. The aim is to develop a fully automated pilot plant that is continuously optimized using a digital twin and AI. In doing so, we are setting a milestone for the industrial bioeconomy and sustainable material production. This award is further proof of the innovative strength of the Technikum Laubholz and our ability to transform sustainable materials into marketable products.


Special thanks go to the Ministry of Food, Rural Areas, and Consumer Protection Baden-Württemberg (MLR) for this special recognition and to Minister Peter Hauk MdL for the ceremonial presentation of the award.

More about the project: KIckBio


About the Bioeconomy Innovation Award

The prize has been awarded by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Food, Rural Areas and Consumer Protection since 2020 and recognizes companies that have developed marketable innovations for a sustainable bioeconomy.